Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Why the list??

So I just got back from a leadership course and the last thing we did was some vision and goal setting. You know the type, what do you want to acheive in 5 years etc etc. The majority of the course was standard management/leadership silly icebreakers to demonstrate skills and attributes but I've been to too many of these kinds of courses to take anything out of these anymore and am a bit cynical. However the vision setting thing got me a bit excited. 

I've always considered myself a driven and ambitious person and regularly set goals for myself (and more often than not achieve them). This normally means I ends up with random lists at home or at work or on notebooks or scraps of papers or plane tickets. I like to plan things and get excited about them. I've even used a Vision Board a few times (I am a big fan of Rhonda Byrne's books and the Secret, the Power and the Magic permanently reside on my bedside table). The bad thing about writing things on a million pieces of paper is that, whilst in my planning, life, work etc I am fairly organised, when it comes to paper and clutter I tend to live in organised chaos.

So anyway ... back to this course. I got a bit excited goal setting and my 20 goals that I was supposed to set soon became 20, 30, 40 etc. I could no longer fit them on my little course workbook. I decided now was as good a time as any to combine all my lists and come up with a bucket list - a list of things I want to acheive in this life in order to say at my deathbed 'That was one hell of a ride' and look back with no regrets, the fondest of memories and a mental scrapbook of amazing experiences.

There are lot of items on my list. Some big, some small, some stupid, some enormous. Some I've already done, some I am planning to do, some will probably take a while to acheive, but all of them will make my life a little bit more awesome than it already is. Everytime I complete one or get closer to achieving one I'll post it on the blog. Hopefully it will inspire some people to dream big and realise that life is what you make of it and it can incredible if you let it!

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